Dementia-Alzheimer’s Research Papers ~ June 2000
H, Wakabayashi K, Tsuji S, Takahashi H, Shoji S. Apolipoprotein E allele-dependent antioxidant activity in brains with Alzheimer's disease. Neurology. 2000 Jun 27;54(12):2319-21.
Wagner MR, Keane DM, Melchor JP, Auspaker KR, Van Nostrand WE. Fibrillar amyloid beta-protein binds protease nexin-2/amyloid beta-protein precursor: stimulation of its inhibition of coagulation factor XIa. Biochemistry. 2000 Jun 27;39(25):7420-7.
Papassotiropoulos A, Lütjohann D, Bagli M, Locatelli S, Jessen F, Rao ML, Maier W, Björkhem I, von Bergmann K, Heun R. Plasma 24S-hydroxycholesterol: a peripheral indicator of neuronal degeneration and potential state marker for Alzheimer's disease. Neuroreport. 2000 Jun 26;11(9):1959-62. ,
Kamino K, Nagasaka K, Imagawa M, Yamamoto H, Yoneda H, Ueki A, Kitamura S, Namekata K, Miki T, Ohta S. Deficiency in mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase increases the risk for late-onset Alzheimer's disease in the Japanese population. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000 Jun 24;273(1):192-6. ,
Chen M, Durr J, Fernandez HL. Possible role of calpain in normal processing of beta-amyloid precursor protein in human platelets. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000 Jun 24;273(1):170-5.
Skovronsky DM, Zhang B, Kung MP, Kung HF, Trojanowski JQ, Lee VM. In vivo detection of amyloid plaques in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Jun 20;97(13):7609-14.
Chan SL, Mayne M, Holden CP, Geiger JD, Mattson MP. Presenilin-1 mutations increase levels of ryanodine receptors and calcium release in PC12 cells and cortical neurons. J Biol Chem. 2000 Jun 16;275(24):18195-200.
McLaurin J, Golomb R, Jurewicz A, Antel JP, Fraser PE. Inositol stereoisomers stabilize an oligomeric aggregate of Alzheimer amyloid beta peptide and inhibit abeta -induced toxicity. J Biol Chem. 2000 Jun 16;275(24):18495-502.
Helisalmi S, Valve R, Karvonen MK, Hiltunen M, Pirskanen M, Mannermaa A, Koulu M, Pesonen U, Uusitupa M, Soininen H. The leucine (7)-to-proline (7) polymorphism in the signal peptide of neuropeptide Y is not associated with Alzheimer's disease or the link apolipoprotein E. Neurosci Lett. 2000 Jun 16;287(1):25-8. ,
Laakso MP, Frisoni GB, Könönen M, Mikkonen M, Beltramello A, Geroldi C, Bianchetti A, Trabucchi M, Soininen H, Aronen HJ. Hippocampus and entorhinal cortex in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease: a morphometric MRI study. Biol Psychiatry. 2000 Jun 15;47(12):1056-63.
Eisenhauer PB, Johnson RJ, Wells JM, Davies TA, Fine RE. Toxicity of various amyloid beta peptide species in cultured human blood-brain barrier endothelial cells: increased toxicity of dutch-type mutant. J Neurosci Res. 2000 Jun 15;60(6):804-10.
Paik SR, Shin HJ, Lee JH. Metal-catalyzed oxidation of alpha-synuclein in the presence of Copper(II) and hydrogen peroxide. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2000 Jun 15;378(2):269-77.
Kawas C, Gray S, Brookmeyer R, Fozard J, Zonderman A. Age-specific incidence rates of Alzheimer's disease: the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Neurology. 2000 Jun 13;54(11):2072-7.
Wang PN, Liao SQ, Liu RS, Liu CY, Chao HT, Lu SR, Yu HY, Wang SJ, Liu HC. Effects of estrogen on cognition, mood, and cerebral blood flow in AD: a controlled study. Neurology. 2000 Jun 13;54(11):2061-6.
Miura T, Suzuki K, Kohata N, Takeuchi H. Metal binding modes of Alzheimer's amyloid beta-peptide in insoluble aggregates and soluble complexes. Biochemistry. 2000 Jun 13;39(23):7024-31.
Misonou H, Morishima-Kawashima M, Ihara Y. Oxidative stress induces intracellular accumulation of amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) in human neuroblastoma cells. Biochemistry. 2000 Jun 13;39(23):6951-9.
Kunugi H, Ueki A, Otsuka M, Isse K, Hirasawa H, Kato N, Nabika T, Kobayashi S, Nanko S. Alzheimer's disease and 5-HTTLPR polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene: no evidence for an association. Am J Med Genet. 2000 Jun 12;96(3):307-9. , ,
Murphy EJ, Schapiro MB, Rapoport SI, Shetty HU. Phospholipid composition and levels are altered in Down syndrome brain. Brain Res. 2000 Jun 9;867(1-2):9-18.
Wang LM, Han YF, Tang XC. Huperzine A improves cognitive deficits caused by chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in rats. Eur J Pharmacol. 2000 Jun 9;398(1):65-72.
Xiao XQ, Wang R, Han YF, Tang XC. Protective effects of huperzine A on beta-amyloid(25-35) induced oxidative injury in rat pheochromocytoma cells. Neurosci Lett. 2000 Jun 9;286(3):155-8.
Mufson EJ, Deecher DC, Basile M, Izenwasse S, Mash DC. Galanin receptor plasticity within the nucleus basalis in early and late Alzheimer's disease: an in vitro autoradiographic analysis. Neuropharmacology. 2000 Jun 8;39(8):1404-12.
De Strooper B. Alzheimer's disease. Closing in on gamma-secretase. Nature. 2000 Jun 8;405(6787):627, 629.
Li YM, Xu M, Lai MT, Huang Q, Castro JL, DiMuzio-Mower J, Harrison T, Lellis C, Nadin A, Neduvelil JG, Register RB, Sardana MK, Shearman MS, Smith AL, Shi XP, Yin KC, Shafer JA, Gardell SJ. Photoactivated gamma-secretase inhibitors directed to the active site covalently label presenilin 1. Nature. 2000 Jun 8;405(6787):689-94.
Capsoni S, Ugolini G, Comparini A, Ruberti F, Berardi N, Cattaneo A. Alzheimer-like neurodegeneration in aged antinerve growth factor transgenic mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Jun 6;97(12):6826-31. ,
Hauss-Wegrzyniak B, Vraniak PD, Wenk GL. LPS-induced neuroinflammatory effects do not recover with time. Neuroreport. 2000 Jun 5;11(8):1759-63.
Saura CA, Tomita T, Soriano S, Takahashi M, Leem JY, Honda T, Koo EH, Iwatsubo T, Thinakaran G. The nonconserved hydrophilic loop domain of presenilin (PS) is not required for PS endoproteolysis or enhanced abeta 42 production mediated by familial early onset Alzheimer's disease-linked PS variants. J Biol Chem. 2000 Jun 2;275(22):17136-42.
Handler M, Yang X, Shen J. Presenilin-1 regulates neuronal differentiation during neurogenesis. Development. 2000 Jun 1;127(12):2593-606.
Demeester N, Castro G, Desrumaux C, De Geitere C, Fruchart JC, Santens P, Mulleners E, Engelborghs S, De Deyn PP, Vandekerckhove J, Rosseneu M, Labeur C. Characterization and functional studies of lipoproteins, lipid transfer proteins, and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase in CSF of normal individuals and patients with Alzheimer's disease. J Lipid Res. 2000 Jun 1;41(6):963-74. ,
Zhang S, Iwata K, Lachenmann MJ, Peng JW, Li S, Stimson ER, Lu Y, Felix AM, Maggio JE, Lee JP. The Alzheimer's peptide a beta adopts a collapsed coil structure in water. J Struct Biol. 2000 Jun;130(2-3):130-41.
Zhu YJ, Lin H, Lal R. Fresh and nonfibrillar amyloid beta protein(1-40) induces rapid cellular degeneration in aged human fibroblasts: evidence for AbetaP-channel-mediated cellular toxicity. FASEB J. 2000 Jun;14(9):1244-54.
Goldsbury CS, Wirtz S, Müller SA, Sunderji S, Wicki P, Aebi U, Frey P. Studies on the in vitro assembly of a beta 1-40: implications for the search for a beta fibril formation inhibitors. J Struct Biol. 2000 Jun 1;130(2-3):217-31.
Rohn TT, Ivins KJ, Bahr BA, Cotman CW, Cribbs DH. A monoclonal antibody to amyloid precursor protein induces neuronal apoptosis. J Neurochem. 2000 Jun;74(6):2331-42.
Bastianetto S, Ramassamy C, Doré S, Christen Y, Poirier J, Quirion R. The Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) protects hippocampal neurons against cell death induced by beta-amyloid. Eur J Neurosci. 2000 Jun;12(6):1882-90.
Masliah E, Alford M, Mallory M, Rockenstein E, Moechars D, Van Leuven F. Abnormal glutamate transport function in mutant amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice. Exp Neurol. 2000 Jun 1;163(2):381-7.
St George-Hyslop PH, McLaurin J, Fraser PE. Neuropathological, biochemical and genetic alterations in AD. Drug News Perspect. 2000 Jun;13(5):281-8.
Allaman I, Pellerin L, Magistretti PJ. Protein targeting to glycogen mRNA expression is stimulated by noradrenaline in mouse cortical astrocytes. Glia. 2000 Jun;30(4):382-91.
Hock C, Heese K, Hulette C, Rosenberg C, Otten U. Region-specific neurotrophin imbalances in Alzheimer disease: decreased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and increased levels of nerve growth factor in hippocampus and cortical areas. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun 1;57(6):846-51.
Elias MF, Beiser A, Wolf PA, Au R, White RF, D'Agostino RB. The preclinical phase of alzheimer disease: A 22-year prospective study of the Framingham Cohort. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun;57(6):808-13.
Blanchard BJ, Hiniker AE, Lu CC, Margolin Y, Yu AS, Ingram VM. Elimination of Amyloid beta Neurotoxicity. J Alzheimers Dis. 2000 Jun;2(2):137-149.
Yatin SM, Varadarajan S, Butterfield DA. Vitamin E Prevents Alzheimer's Amyloid beta-Peptide (1-42)-Induced Neuronal Protein Oxidation and Reactive Oxygen Species Production. J Alzheimers Dis. 2000 Jun;2(2):123-131.
Chen M, Fernandez HL. How Important are Risk Factors in Alzheimer's Disease? J Alzheimers Dis. 2000 Jun;2(2):119-121.
Ghanbari HA. Risk Factors Versus Alzheimer's Disease or Symptoms Associated with Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2000 Jun;2(2):117.
Price JL, Rubin EH, Morris JC. Revisiting Alzheimer's Disease from a New Prospective: Can "Risk Factors" Play a Key Role? J Alzheimers Dis. 2000 Jun;2(2):113-114.
Mattson MP. Risk Factors and Mechanisms of Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis: Obviously and Obviously Not. J Alzheimers Dis. 2000 Jun;2(2):109-112.
Chen M, Fernandez HL. Revisiting Alzheimer's Disease from a New Perspective: Can "Risk Factors" Play a Key Role? J Alzheimers Dis. 2000 Jun 1;2(2):97-108.
Andorn AC, Kalaria RN. Factors Affecting Pro- and Anti-Oxidant Properties of Fragments of the b-Protein Precursor (bPP): Implication for Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2000 Jun;2(2):69-78.
Holtzman DM, Fagan AM, Mackey B, Tenkova T, Sartorius L, Paul SM, Bales K, Ashe KH, Irizarry MC, Hyman BT. Apolipoprotein E facilitates neuritic and cerebrovascular plaque formation in an Alzheimer's disease model. Ann Neurol. 2000 Jun;47(6):739-47. ,
Bartzokis G, Tishler TA. MRI evaluation of basal ganglia ferritin iron and neurotoxicity in Alzheimer's and Huntingon's disease. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). 2000 Jun;46(4):821-33.
Bhatia R, Lin H, Lal R. Fresh and globular amyloid beta protein (1-42) induces rapid cellular degeneration: evidence for AbetaP channel-mediated cellular toxicity. FASEB J. 2000 Jun 1;14(9):1233-43.
Van Leuven F. Single and multiple transgenic mice as models for Alzheimer's disease. Prog Neurobiol. 2000 Jun;61(3):305-12.
Mintz E. Fighting Alzheimer's disease. NCSL Legisbrief. 2000 Jun-Jul;8(29):1-2.
Swerdlow RH, Parks JK, Pattee G, Parker WD. Role of mitochondria in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Other Motor Neuron Disord. 2000 Jun;1(3):185-90.
Song W, Zhou LJ, Zheng SX, Zhu XZ. Amyloid-beta 25-35 peptide induces expression of monoamine oxidase B in cultured rat astrocytes. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2000 Jun;21(6):557-63.
Moreira P, Pereira C, Santos MS, Oliveira C. Effect of zinc ions on the cytotoxicity induced by the amyloid beta-peptide. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2000 Summer;2(2):317-25.
Tucker HM, Kihiko M, Caldwell JN, Wright S, Kawarabayashi T, Price D, Walker D, Scheff S, McGillis JP, Rydel RE, Estus S. The plasmin system is induced by and degrades amyloid-beta aggregates. J Neurosci. 2000 Jun 1;20(11):3937-46.
Tokuda T, Calero M, Matsubara E, Vidal R, Kumar A, Permanne B, Zlokovic B, Smith JD, LaDu MJ, Rostagno A, Frangione B, Ghiso J. Lipidation of apolipoprotein E influences its isoform-specific interaction with Alzheimer's amyloid beta peptides. Biochem J. 2000 Jun 1;348 Pt 2:359-65.
Galbete JL, Martin TR, Peressini E, Modena P, Bianchi R, Forloni G. Cholesterol decreases secretion of the secreted form of amyloid precursor protein by interfering with glycosylation in the protein secretory pathway. Biochem J. 2000 Jun 1;348 Pt 2:307-13.
Isbir T, Agaçhan B, Yilmaz H, Aydin M. Angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphism in Alzheimer's disease. Cell Biochem Funct. 2000 Jun;18(2):141-2. ,
Liu F, Lau BH, Peng Q, Shah V. Pycnogenol protects vascular endothelial cells from beta-amyloid-induced injury. Biol Pharm Bull. 2000 Jun;23(6):735-7.
Tierney MC, Szalai JP, Dunn E, Geslani D, McDowell I. Prediction of probable Alzheimer disease in patients with symptoms suggestive of memory impairment. Value of the Mini-Mental State Examination. Arch Fam Med. 2000 Jun;9(6):527-32.
Hanson MR, Galvez-Jimenez N. Effective treatment of Alzheimer disease and its complications. Cleve Clin J Med. 2000 Jun;67(6):441-8.
Bronfman FC, Moechars D, Van Leuven F. Acetylcholinesterase-positive fiber deafferentation and cell shrinkage in the septohippocampal pathway of aged amyloid precursor protein london mutant transgenic mice. Neurobiol Dis. 2000 Jun 1;7(3):152-68.
van Gassen G, Annaert W, van Broeckhoven C. Binding partners of Alzheimer's disease proteins: are they physiologically relevant? Neurobiol Dis. 2000 Jun;7(3):135-51.
Mrak RE, Griffin WS. Interleukin-1 and the immunogenetics of Alzheimer disease. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2000 Jun;59(6):471-6.
Russo C, Schettini G, Saido TC, Hulette C, Lippa C, Lannfelt L, Ghetti B, Gambetti P, Tabaton M, Teller JK. Presenilin-1 mutations in Alzheimer's disease. Nature. 2000 Jun 1;405(6786):531-2.
Almeida OP, Crocco EI. [Perception of cognitive deficits and behavior disorders in patients with Alzheimer's disease] Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2000 Jun;58(2A):292-9.
Anghinah R, Kanda PA, Jorge MS, Lima EE, Pascuzzi L, Melo AC. [Alpha band coherence analysis of EEG in healthy adult's and Alzheimer's type dementia patients] Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2000 Jun;58(2A):272-5.
Smits HA, Boven LA, Pereira CF, Verhoef J, Nottet HS. Role of macrophage activation in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and human immunodeficiency virus type 1-associated dementia. Eur J Clin Invest. 2000 Jun;30(6):526-35.
Sarasa M, Sorribas V, Terradoa1 J, Climent S, Palacios JM, Mengod G. Alzheimer beta-amyloid precursor proteins display specific patterns of expression during embryogenesis. Mech Dev. 2000 Jun;94(1-2):233-6.
Samatovicz RA. Genetics and brain injury: apolipoprotein E. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2000 Jun;15(3):869-74.
de Toledo-Morrell L, Goncharova I, Dickerson B, Wilson RS, Bennett DA. From healthy aging to early Alzheimer's disease: in vivo detection of entorhinal cortex atrophy. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2000 Jun;911:240-53.
Kalman J, McConathy W, Araoz C, Kasa P, Lacko AG. Apolipoprotein D in the aging brain and in Alzheimer's dementia. Neurol Res. 2000 Jun;22(4):330-6.
Lermontova NN, Lukoyanov NV, Serkova TP, Lukoyanova EA, Bachurin SO. Dimebon improves learning in animals with experimental Alzheimer's disease. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2000 Jun;129(6):544-6.
Zhou LJ, Zhu XZ. Reactive oxygen species-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells and protective effect of bilobalide. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2000 Jun;293(3):982-8.
al-Maghrabi J, Tierney M, Ang LC. Glial intranuclear inclusion bodies in a patient with Alzheimer's disease. Acta Neuropathol (Berl). 2000 Jun;99(6):695-8.
Murrell JR, Hake AM, Quaid KA, Farlow MR, Ghetti B. Early-onset Alzheimer disease caused by a new mutation (V717L) in the amyloid precursor protein gene. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun;57(6):885-7.
Marson DC, Sawrie SM, Snyder S, McInturff B, Stalvey T, Boothe A, Aldridge T, Chatterjee A, Harrell LE. Assessing financial capacity in patients with Alzheimer disease: A conceptual model and prototype instrument. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun;57(6):877-84.
Olichney JM, Hansen LA, Hofstetter CR, Lee JH, Katzman R, Thal LJ. Association between severe cerebral amyloid angiopathy and cerebrovascular lesions in Alzheimer disease is not a spurious one attributable to apolipoprotein E4. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun;57(6):869-74.
Wilson RS, Bennett DA, Gilley DW, Beckett LA, Schneider JA, Evans DA. Progression of parkinsonism and loss of cognitive function in Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun;57(6):855-60.
Small BJ, Fratiglioni L, Viitanen M, Winblad B, Bäckman L. The course of cognitive impairment in preclinical Alzheimer disease: three- and 6-year follow-up of a population-based sample. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun;57(6):839-44.
Halliday GM, Shepherd CE, McCann H, Reid WG, Grayson DA, Broe GA, Kril JJ. Effect of anti-inflammatory medications on neuropathological findings in Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun;57(6):831-6.
Ganguli M, Chandra V, Kamboh MI, Johnston JM, Dodge HH, Thelma BK, Juyal RC, Pandav R, Belle SH, DeKosky ST. Apolipoprotein E polymorphism and Alzheimer disease: The Indo-US Cross-National Dementia Study. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun;57(6):824-30.
Shepherd CE, Thiel E, McCann H, Harding AJ, Halliday GM. Cortical inflammation in Alzheimer disease but not dementia with Lewy bodies. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun;57(6):817-22.
McGeer PL, McGeer EG. Autotoxicity and Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jun 1;57(6):789-90.
Honda T, Nihonmatsu N, Yasutake K, Ohtake A, Sato K, Tanaka S, Murayama O, Murayama M, Takashima A. Familial Alzheimer's disease-associated mutations block translocation of full-length presenilin 1 to the nuclear envelope. Neurosci Res. 2000 Jun;37(2):101-11.
Bone I, Rosen M. Alzheimer's disease and anaesthesia. Anaesthesia. 2000 Jun;55(6):592-3.
Mucke L, Masliah E, Yu GQ, Mallory M, Rockenstein EM, Tatsuno G, Hu K, Kholodenko D, Johnson-Wood K, McConlogue L. High-level neuronal expression of abeta 1-42 in wild-type human amyloid protein precursor transgenic mice: synaptotoxicity without plaque formation. J Neurosci. 2000 Jun 1;20(11):4050-8. ,
These are great articles; I really appreciate your work.