Beta Amyloid Peptide: Beta Amyloid Peptide: Research Paper : Physical Fitness and Apolipoprotein E Genotype Influence Cortical Networking and Intelligence in Adolescents

Beta Amyloid Peptide: Research Paper : Physical Fitness and Apolipoprotein E Genotype Influence Cortical Networking and Intelligence in Adolescents

Physical Fitness and Apolipoprotein E Genotype Influence Cortical Networking and Intelligence in Adolescents


Aims: This study examined the interactive effect of physical fitness and Apolipoprotein e4 on intelligence and cortical networking in adolescents.

Methods: Participants were middle school students consisting of 10 and 8 high- and low-fit e4 carriers (e4+), respectively, and 14 and 10 high- and low-fit non-carriers (e4-), respectively. Inter- and intra-hemispheric coherences were calculated to examine cortico-cortical communication during intelligence test.

Results: Coherence in low-fit e4+ was lower than in high-fit e4+, while coherence in low-fit e4- was similar to or higher than in high-fit e4-.

Conclusion: the presence of the e4 allele can decrease neural networking 50-60 years before Alzheimer's disease onset: however, physical fitness may compensate for the negative impact of genotype. Moreover, the beneficial effects of physical fitness may differ depending on functional states of the adolescent brain according to the presence of the e4 allele.

Keywords: Alzheimer's disease; EEG coherence; Physical fitness; adolescent; apolipoprotein.

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