Beta Amyloid Peptide: Beta Amyloid Peptide:Research Paper: Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT): Norms for the Greek older adult population

Beta Amyloid Peptide:Research Paper: Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT): Norms for the Greek older adult population

Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT): Norms for the Greek older adult population


Background: The Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT) is an integral part of every neuropsychological assessment, measuring visuoconstructional abilities in research and clinical practice.

Aims: Our goal was to create norms for the Greek older adults over 50 years old since there is no previous relevant study in Greece.

Methods: The RCFT was administered to 228 cognitively intact individuals aged 50 to 87 years (M = 64.12, SD = 8.69) with education from 3 to 23 years (M = 11.5, SD = 4.45). First, regression analyses explored the impact of demographics on RCFT performance. Afterwards, we calculated normative data using raw scores and transformed to percentile scores for RCFT Copy, Immediate recall, Delayed Recall, and Recognition tasks.

Results: Age and education were predictors of the Copy and Recall trials, whereas gender was not, having as the only exception the Recognition condition. Greek normative data adjusted for age and education level for the three RCFT conditions and gender for the Recognition trial are presented, as well as the relationship between the RCFT sub tasks.

Discussion: This is the first study measuring the RCFT norms in cognitively intact Greek older adults.

Conclusions: Future studies should measure the psychometric properties of RCFT in this population.

Keywords: Neuropsychological testing; Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT); normative data; older adults; percentile scores.

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