Beta Amyloid Peptide: Beta Amyloid Peptide: Jobs: Postdoctoral Postion in Alzheimer Disease

Beta Amyloid Peptide: Jobs: Postdoctoral Postion in Alzheimer Disease

Postdoctoral Postion in Alzheimer Disease


University of Pennsylvania


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Principal Investigator

Corey McMillan



The Penn Bioinformatics in Neurodegenerative Disease Laboratory (Penn BiND) led by Corey McMillan is seeking a qualified applicant for a postdoctoral fellowship. The overall mission of the Penn BiND Lab is to use an integrative strategy leveraging multimodal and bioinformatic approaches to improve understanding of the biological basis and heterogeneity of neurodegenerative conditions. This clinical-translation research program focuses on using biologically-grounded hypothesis testing along with data-driven novel bioinformatic approaches for relating large-scale 'omic' data (e.g., genomics, DNA methylation, transcriptomics) to deep phenotyping data (e.g., imaging, biofluids, clinical series, neuropathology).  The aim is to identify phenotype-genotype associations that can be used to uncover mechanisms of disease and/or stratify diverse patients to define homogenous patient groups with a higher likelihood of achieving a therapeutic response. Primary focus is on two classes of neurodegenerative proteinopathies including the misfolded tau protein that contributes to Alzheimer's disease (AD), primary age-related tauopathy (PART), and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), as well as the TDP-43 protein that contributes to a spectrum of FTLD and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

The Penn BiND Lab is a highly interdisciplinary environment based in the Neurology Department of the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.  We work closely with clinicians in the NIA-funded Alzheimer Disease Center (ADC), Penn Frontotemporal Degeneration Center (FTDC), and Comprehensive ALS Clinic as well as several national and international consortia. The lab is also integrated into the FTDC and associated research centers including the Institute on Aging (IoA), Penn Neurodegeneration of Genomics Center (PNGC), Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (ITMAT), and Neuroscience Graduate Group (NGG). The"dry lab" additionally works very closely with several "wet labs" at Penn to validate our bioinformatic observations in human or model specimens.


UPenn is currently seeking two candidates who have a Ph.D. in a relevant area (e.g., neuroscience, neurology, bioengineering, genetics, computational biology, biostatistics, etc.) and interest and experience in:

(1) Bioinformatics or data science experience that can be applied to neurodegenerative disease and aging;

(2) MRI/PET image analysis experience that can be applied to 'omic' studies (e.g., imaging-genetics).

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