Beta Amyloid Peptide: Beta Amyloid ~Differential molecular chaperone response associated with various mouse adapted scrapie strains.

Beta Amyloid ~Differential molecular chaperone response associated with various mouse adapted scrapie strains.

Prionoses are a group of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by misfolding of cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) and accumulation of its diseases specific conformer PrP(Sc) in the brain and neuropathologically, they can be associated with presence or absence of PrP amyloid deposits. Functional molecular chaperones (MCs) that constitute the unfolded protein response include heat shock proteins and glucose-regulated protein families. They protect intracellular milieu against various stress conditions including accumulation of misfolded proteins and oxidative stress, typical of neurodegenerative diseases. Little is known about the role of MCs in pathogenesis of prionoses in mammalian prion model systems. In this study we characterized MCs response pattern in mice infected with various mouse adapted scrapie strains. Rather than uniform upregulation of MCs, we encountered two distinctly different patterns of MCs response distinguishing ME7 and 87V strains from 22L and 139A strains. ME7 and 87V strains are known for the induction of amyloid deposition in infected animals, while in mice infected with 22L and 139A strains amyloid deposits are absent. MCs response pattern similar to that associated with amyloidogenic ME7 and 87V strains was also observed in APPPS1-21 Alzheimer's transgenic mice, which represent an aggressive model of cerebral amyloidosis caused by β-amyloid deposition. Our results highlight the probability that different mechanisms of MCs regulation exist driven by amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogenic nature of prion strains.

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