2001: July: Alzheimer’s Research Papers
Wittmann CW, Wszolek MF, Shulman JM, Salvaterra PM, Lewis J, Hutton M, Feany MB. Tauopathy in Drosophila: neurodegeneration without neurofibrillary tangles. Science. 2001 Jul 27;293(5530):711-4. ,
Evin G, Sharples RA, Weidemann A, Reinhard FB, Carbone V, Culvenor JG, Holsinger RM, Sernee MF, Beyreuther K, Masters CL. Aspartyl protease inhibitor pepstatin binds to the presenilins of Alzheimer's disease. Biochemistry. 2001 Jul 27;40(28):8359-68.
Gordon DJ, Sciarretta KL, Meredith SC. Inhibition of beta-amyloid(40) fibrillogenesis and disassembly of beta-amyloid(40) fibrils by short beta-amyloid congeners containing N-methyl amino acids at alternate residues. Biochemistry. 2001 Jul 27;40(28):8237-45.
Suzuki K, Miura T, Takeuchi H. Inhibitory effect of copper(II) on zinc(II)-induced aggregation of amyloid beta-peptide. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Jul 27;285(4):991-6.
Kozin SA, Zirah S, Rebuffat S, Hoa GH, Debey P. Zinc binding to Alzheimer's Abeta(1-16) peptide results in stable soluble complex. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Jul 27;285(4):959-64.
Rüb U, Schultz C, Del Tredici K, Braak H. Early involvement of the tegmentopontine reticular nucleus during the evolution of Alzheimer's disease-related cytoskeletal pathology. Brain Res. 2001 Jul 27;908(2):107-12.
Kim KW, Jhoo JH, Lee JH, Lee DY, Lee KU, Youn JY, Woo JI. Transferrin C2 variant does not confer a risk for Alzheimer's disease in Koreans. Neurosci Lett. 2001 Jul 27;308(1):45-8. ,
Savaskan E, Olivieri G, Brydon L, Jockers R, Kräuchi K, Wirz-Justice A, Müller-Spahn F. Cerebrovascular melatonin MT1-receptor alterations in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Neurosci Lett. 2001 Jul 27;308(1):9-12.
Maruyama H, Izumi Y, Oda M, Torii T, Morino H, Toji H, Sasaki K, Terasawa H, Nakamura S, Kawakami H. Lack of an association between cystatin C gene polymorphisms in Japanese patients with Alzheimer's disease. Neurology. 2001 Jul 24;57(2):337-9. ,
Roks G, Cruts M, Slooter AJ, Dermaut B, Hofman A, van Broeckhoven C, van Duijn CM. The cystatin C polymorphism is not associated with early onset Alzheimer's disease. Neurology. 2001 Jul 24;57(2):366-7. ,
Kremer JJ, Sklansky DJ, Murphy RM. Profile of changes in lipid bilayer structure caused by beta-amyloid peptide. Biochemistry. 2001 Jul 24;40(29):8563-71.
Galton CJ, Patterson K, Graham K, Lambon-Ralph MA, Williams G, Antoun N, Sahakian BJ, Hodges JR. Differing patterns of temporal atrophy in Alzheimer's disease and semantic dementia. Neurology. 2001 Jul 24;57(2):216-25.
Fox NC, Crum WR, Scahill RI, Stevens JM, Janssen JC, Rossor MN. Imaging of onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease with voxel-compression mapping of serial magnetic resonance images. Lancet. 2001 Jul 21;358(9277):201-5.
O'Brien JT, Ballard CG. Drugs for Alzheimer's disease. BMJ. 2001 Jul 21;323(7305):123-4.
Park IH, Jung MW, Mori H, Mook-Jung I. Zinc enhances synthesis of presenilin 1 in mouse primary cortical culture. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Jul 20;285(3):680-8.
Lebeau A, Esclaire F, Rostène W, Pélaprat D. Baicalein protects cortical neurons from beta-amyloid (25-35) induced toxicity. Neuroreport. 2001 Jul 20;12(10):2199-202.
Tsang MC, Lo AC, Cheung PT, Chung SS, Chung SK. Perinatal hypoxia-/ischemia-induced endothelin-1 mRNA in astrocyte-like and endothelial cells. Neuroreport. 2001 Jul 20;12(10):2265-70.
Kuusisto E, Salminen A, Alafuzoff I. Ubiquitin-binding protein p62 is present in neuronal and glial inclusions in human tauopathies and synucleinopathies. Neuroreport. 2001 Jul 20;12(10):2085-90.
Sung JY, Kim J, Paik SR, Park JH, Ahn YS, Chung KC. Induction of neuronal cell death by Rab5A-dependent endocytosis of alpha-synuclein. J Biol Chem. 2001 Jul 20;276(29):27441-8.
Quintas A, Vaz DC, Cardoso I, Saraiva MJ, Brito RM. Tetramer dissociation and monomer partial unfolding precedes protofibril formation in amyloidogenic transthyretin variants. J Biol Chem. 2001 Jul 20;276(29):27207-13.
Brayden DJ, Templeton L, McClean S, Barbour R, Huang J, Nguyen M, Ahern D, Motter R, Johnson-Wood K, Vasquez N, Schenk D, Seubert P. Encapsulation in biodegradable microparticles enhances serum antibody response to parenterally-delivered beta-amyloid in mice. Vaccine. 2001 Jul 20;19(30):4185-93.
Ji D, Lape R, Dani JA. Timing and location of nicotinic activity enhances or depresses hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Neuron. 2001 Jul 19;31(1):131-41.
Huang Y, Liu XQ, Wyss-Coray T, Brecht WJ, Sanan DA, Mahley RW. Apolipoprotein E fragments present in Alzheimer's disease brains induce neurofibrillary tangle-like intracellular inclusions in neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Jul 17;98(15):8838-43.
Bi X, Yong AP, Zhou J, Ribak CE, Lynch G. Rapid induction of intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Jul 17;98(15):8832-7.
Demattos RB, Bales KR, Cummins DJ, Dodart JC, Paul SM, Holtzman DM. Peripheral anti-A beta antibody alters CNS and plasma A beta clearance and decreases brain A beta burden in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Jul 17;98(15):8850-5.
DeFreitas MF, McQuillen PS, Shatz CJ. A novel p75NTR signaling pathway promotes survival, not death, of immunopurified neocortical subplate neurons. J Neurosci. 2001 Jul 15;21(14):5121-9.
Castellani RJ, Harris PL, Sayre LM, Fujii J, Taniguchi N, Vitek MP, Founds H, Atwood CS, Perry G, Smith MA. Active glycation in neurofibrillary pathology of Alzheimer disease: N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl) lysine and hexitol-lysine. Free Radic Biol Med. 2001 Jul 15;31(2):175-80.
Mudher A, Chapman S, Richardson J, Asuni A, Gibb G, Pollard C, Killick R, Iqbal T, Raymond L, Varndell I, Sheppard P, Makoff A, Gower E, Soden PE, Lewis P, Murphy M, Golde TE, Rupniak HT, Anderton BH, Lovestone S. Dishevelled regulates the metabolism of amyloid precursor protein via protein kinase C/mitogen-activated protein kinase and c-Jun terminal kinase. J Neurosci. 2001 Jul 15;21(14):4987-95.
Pedersen WA, Wan R, Mattson MP. Impact of aging on stress-responsive neuroendocrine systems. Mech Ageing Dev. 2001 Jul 15;122(9):963-83.
Kametani F, Tanaka K, Usami M, Maruyama K, Mori H. Human wild presenilin-1 mimics the effect of the mutant presenilin-1 on the processing of Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein in PC12D cells. J Neurol Sci. 2001 Jul 15;188(1-2):27-31.
Bamberger ME, Landreth GE. Microglial interaction with beta-amyloid: implications for the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Microsc Res Tech. 2001 Jul 15;54(2):59-70.
Butterfield DA, Kanski J. Brain protein oxidation in age-related neurodegenerative disorders that are associated with aggregated proteins. Mech Ageing Dev. 2001 Jul 15;122(9):945-62.
Hanyu H, Asano T, Sakurai H, Takasaki M, Shindo H, Abe K. Magnetization transfer measurements of the hippocampus in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. J Neurol Sci. 2001 Jul 15;188(1-2):79-84.
Baskys A, Adamchik Y. Neuroprotective effects of extracellular glutamate are absent in hippocampal organotypic cultures treated with the amyloid peptide Abeta(25-35). Brain Res. 2001 Jul 13;907(1-2):188-94.
Town T, Tan J, Sansone N, Obregon D, Klein T, Mullan M. Characterization of murine immunoglobulin G antibodies against human amyloid-beta1-42. Neurosci Lett. 2001 Jul 13;307(2):101-4.
Ramirez MJ, Heslop KE, Francis PT, Rattray M. Expression of amyloid precursor protein, tau and presenilin RNAs in rat hippocampus following deafferentation lesions. Brain Res. 2001 Jul 13;907(1-2):222-32.
Frackowiak J, Mazur-Kolecka B, Kaczmarski W, Dickson D. Deposition of Alzheimer's vascular amyloid-beta is associated with decreased expression of brain L-3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase (ERAB). Brain Res. 2001 Jul 13;907(1-2):44-53.
Schönknecht P, Pantel J, Klinga K, Jensen M, Hartmann T, Salbach B, Schröder J. Reduced cerebrospinal fluid estradiol levels are associated with increased beta-amyloid levels in female patients with Alzheimer's disease. Neurosci Lett. 2001 Jul 13;307(2):122-4.
Iwata K, Eyles SJ, Lee JP. Exposing asymmetry between monomers in Alzheimer's amyloid fibrils via reductive alkylation of lysine residues. J Am Chem Soc. 2001 Jul 11;123(27):6728-9.
Jobling MF, Huang X, Stewart LR, Barnham KJ, Curtain C, Volitakis I, Perugini M, White AR, Cherny RA, Masters CL, Barrow CJ, Collins SJ, Bush AI, Cappai R. Copper and zinc binding modulates the aggregation and neurotoxic properties of the prion peptide PrP106-126. Biochemistry. 2001 Jul 10;40(27):8073-84.
Bhattacharya K, Rank KB, Evans DB, Sharma SK. Role of cysteine-291 and cysteine-322 in the polymerization of human tau into Alzheimer-like filaments. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Jul 6;285(1):20-6.
Cao X, Südhof TC. A transcriptionally [correction of transcriptively] active complex of APP with Fe65 and histone acetyltransferase Tip60. Science. 2001 Jul 6;293(5527):115-20.
Kakio A, Nishimoto SI, Yanagisawa K, Kozutsumi Y, Matsuzaki K. Cholesterol-dependent formation of GM1 ganglioside-bound amyloid beta-protein, an endogenous seed for Alzheimer amyloid. J Biol Chem. 2001 Jul 6;276(27):24985-90.
Eckman EA, Reed DK, Eckman CB. Degradation of the Alzheimer's amyloid beta peptide by endothelin-converting enzyme. J Biol Chem. 2001 Jul 6;276(27):24540-8.
Allsop D, Swanson L, Moore S, Davies Y, York A, El-Agnaf OM, Soutar I. Fluorescence anisotropy: a method for early detection of Alzheimer beta-peptide (Abeta) aggregation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Jul 6;285(1):58-63.
Molero AE, Pino-Ramírez G, Maestre GE. Modulation by age and gender of risk for Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia associated with the apolipoprotein E-varepsilon4 allele in Latin Americans: findings from the Maracaibo Aging Study. Neurosci Lett. 2001 Jul 6;307(1):5-8.
Lee CW, Zhuang ZP, Kung MP, Plössl K, Skovronsky D, Gur T, Hou C, Trojanowski JQ, Lee VM, Kung HF. Isomerization of (Z,Z) to (E,E)1-bromo-2,5-bis-(3-hydroxycarbonyl-4-hydroxy)styrylbenzene in strong base: probes for amyloid plaques in the brain. J Med Chem. 2001 Jul 5;44(14):2270-5.
Deacon RM, Raley JM, Perry VH, Rawlins JN. Burrowing into prion disease. Neuroreport. 2001 Jul 3;12(9):2053-7.
Lowe TL, Strzelec A, Kiessling LL, Murphy RM. Structure-function relationships for inhibitors of beta-amyloid toxicity containing the recognition sequence KLVFF. Biochemistry. 2001 Jul 3;40(26):7882-9.
Götz J, Nitsch RM. Compartmentalized tau hyperphosphorylation and increased levels of kinases in transgenic mice. Neuroreport. 2001 Jul 3;12(9):2007-16.
Hosoda T, Nakajima H, Honjo H. Estrogen protects neuronal cells from amyloid beta-induced apoptotic cell death. Neuroreport. 2001 Jul 3;12(9):1965-70.
Grégoire C, Marco S, Thimonier J, Duplan L, Laurine E, Chauvin JP, Michel B, Peyrot V, Verdier JM. Three-dimensional structure of the lithostathine protofibril, a protein involved in Alzheimer's disease. EMBO J. 2001 Jul 2;20(13):3313-21.
Ho PI, Collins SC, Dhitavat S, Ortiz D, Ashline D, Rogers E, Shea TB. Homocysteine potentiates beta-amyloid neurotoxicity: role of oxidative stress. J Neurochem. 2001 Jul;78(2):249-53.
Cedazo-Mínguez A, Cowburn RF. Apolipoprotein E: a major piece in the Alzheimer's disease puzzle. J Cell Mol Med. 2001 Jul-Sep;5(3):254-66.
Camps P, Muñoz-Torrero D. Tacrine-huperzine A hybrids (huprines): a new class of highly potent and selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitors of interest for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Mini Rev Med Chem. 2001 Jul;1(2):163-74.
McCurry SM, Gibbons LE, Uomoto JM, Thompson ML, Graves AB, Edland SD, Bowen J, McCormick WC, Larson EB. Neuropsychological test performance in a cognitively intact sample of older Japanese American adults(1). Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2001 Jul;16(5):447-59.
Talaga P. Beta-amyloid aggregation inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: dream or reality? Mini Rev Med Chem. 2001 Jul;1(2):175-86.
Takeuchi M, Makita Z. Alternative routes for the formation of immunochemically distinct advanced glycation end-products in vivo. Curr Mol Med. 2001 Jul;1(3):305-15.
Allen JW, Eldadah BA, Huang X, Knoblach SM, Faden AI. Multiple caspases are involved in beta-amyloid-induced neuronal apoptosis. J Neurosci Res. 2001 Jul 1;65(1):45-53.
Pappolla MA, Omar RA, Chyan YJ, Ghiso J, Hsiao K, Bozner P, Perry G, Smith MA, Cruz-Sanchez F. Induction of NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase by the Alzheimer beta-protein. Amyloid as a "foreign body". J Neurochem. 2001 Jul;78(1):121-8.
Bach JH, Chae HS, Rah JC, Lee MW, Park CH, Choi SH, Choi JK, Lee SH, Kim YS, Kim KY, Lee WB, Suh YH, Kim SS. C-terminal fragment of amyloid precursor protein induces astrocytosis. J Neurochem. 2001 Jul;78(1):109-20.
Matsushita S, Arai H, Yuzuriha T, Kato M, Matsui T, Urakami K, Higuchi S. No association between DLST gene and Alzheimer's disease or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Neurobiol Aging. 2001 Jul-Aug;22(4):569-74. ,
Ertekin-Taner N, Graff-Radford N, Younkin LH, Eckman C, Adamson J, Schaid DJ, Blangero J, Hutton M, Younkin SG. Heritability of plasma amyloid beta in typical late-onset Alzheimer's disease pedigrees. Genet Epidemiol. 2001 Jul;21(1):19-30. ,
Zubenko GS, Hughes HB, Stiffler JS. D10S1423 identifies a susceptibility locus for Alzheimer's disease in a prospective, longitudinal, double-blind study of asymptomatic individuals. Mol Psychiatry. 2001 Jul;6(4):413-9.
Lue LF, Rydel R, Brigham EF, Yang LB, Hampel H, Murphy GM, Brachova L, Yan SD, Walker DG, Shen Y, Rogers J. Inflammatory repertoire of Alzheimer's disease and nondemented elderly microglia in vitro. Glia. 2001 Jul;35(1):72-9.
Götz J. Tau and transgenic animal models. Brain Res Brain Res Rev. 2001 Jul;35(3):266-86.
Qiu Z, Naten DL, Liston JC, Yess J, Rebeck GW. A novel approach for studying endogenous abeta processing using cultured primary neurons isolated from APP transgenic mice. Exp Neurol. 2001 Jul;170(1):186-94.
Trippi F, Botto N, Scarpato R, Petrozzi L, Bonuccelli U, Latorraca S, Sorbi S, Migliore L. Spontaneous and induced chromosome damage in somatic cells of sporadic and familial Alzheimer's disease patients. Mutagenesis. 2001 Jul;16(4):323-7.
Emahazion T, Feuk L, Jobs M, Sawyer SL, Fredman D, St Clair D, Prince JA, Brookes AJ. SNP association studies in Alzheimer's disease highlight problems for complex disease analysis. Trends Genet. 2001 Jul;17(7):407-13. ,
Tschampa HJ, Neumann M, Zerr I, Henkel K, Schröter A, Schulz-Schaeffer WJ, Steinhoff BJ, Kretzschmar HA, Poser S. Patients with Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies mistaken for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2001 Jul;71(1):33-9.
MacDonald MC, Almor A, Henderson VW, Kempler D, Andersen ES. Assessing working memory and language comprehension in Alzheimer's disease. Brain Lang. 2001 Jul;78(1):17-42.
Blansjaar BA, van Schaick HW. Advising relatives of risk of Alzheimer's disease. Br J Psychiatry. 2001 Jul;179:73-4.
Fitzjohn SM, Morton RA, Kuenzi F, Rosahl TW, Shearman M, Lewis H, Smith D, Reynolds DS, Davies CH, Collingridge GL, Seabrook GR. Age-related impairment of synaptic transmission but normal long-term potentiation in transgenic mice that overexpress the human APP695SWE mutant form of amyloid precursor protein. J Neurosci. 2001 Jul 1;21(13):4691-8.
Habeck M. Is Alzheimer's disease a form of cancer? Drug Discov Today. 2001 Jul 1;6(13):651-652.
Hynd MR, Scott HL, Dodd PR. Glutamate(NMDA) receptor NR1 subunit mRNA expression in Alzheimer's disease. J Neurochem. 2001 Jul;78(1):175-82.
Rüb U, Del Tredici K, Schultz C, Büttner-Ennever JA, Braak H. The premotor region essential for rapid vertical eye movements shows early involvement in Alzheimer's disease-related cytoskeletal pathology. Vision Res. 2001 Jul;41(16):2149-56.
Dupuy AM, Mas E, Ritchie K, Descomps B, Badiou S, Cristol JP, Touchon J. The relationship between apolipoprotein E4 and lipid metabolism is impaired in Alzheimer's disease. Gerontology. 2001 Jul-Aug;47(4):213-8.
Klegeris A, Schwab C, Bissonnette CJ, McGeer PL. Induction of complement C9 messenger RNAs in human neuronal cells by inflammatory stimuli: relevance to neurodegenerative disorders. Exp Gerontol. 2001 Jul;36(7):1179-88.
Debanne SM, Petot GJ, Li J, Koss E, Lerner AJ, Riedel TM, Rowland DY, Smyth KA, Friedland RP. On the use of surrogate respondents for controls in a case-control study of Alzheimer's disease. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2001 Jul;49(7):980-4.
Kawakami H. [Molecular biology of glutamate transporters in Alzheimer's disease] Nippon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi. 2001 Jul;38(4):489-90.
Tractenberg RE, Schafer K, Morris JC. Interobserver disagreements on clinical dementia rating assessment: interpretation and implications for training. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2001 Jul-Sep;15(3):155-61.
Rideout HJ, Stefanis L. Caspase inhibition: a potential therapeutic strategy in neurological diseases. Histol Histopathol. 2001 Jul;16(3):895-908.
Boeve BF, Silber MH, Ferman TJ, Lucas JA, Parisi JE. Association of REM sleep behavior disorder and neurodegenerative disease may reflect an underlying synucleinopathy. Mov Disord. 2001 Jul;16(4):622-30.
Yamaguchi H, Tamura R, Kuriwaki JI, Eifuku S, Ono T. Effects of T-588, a cognitive enhancer compound, on synaptic plasticity in the dentate gyrus of freely moving rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2001 Jul;298(1):354-61.
Papagno C. Comprehension of metaphors and idioms in patients with Alzheimer's disease: a longitudinal study. Brain. 2001 Jul;124(Pt 7):1450-60.
Valla J, Berndt JD, Gonzalez-Lima F. Energy hypometabolism in posterior cingulate cortex of Alzheimer's patients: superficial laminar cytochrome oxidase associated with disease duration. J Neurosci. 2001 Jul 1;21(13):4923-30.
Kopelman MD, Lasserson D, Kingsley D, Bello F, Rush C, Stanhope N, Stevens T, Goodman G, Heilpern G, Kendall B, Colchester A. Structural MRI volumetric analysis in patients with organic amnesia, 2: correlations with anterograde memory and executive tests in 40 patients. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2001 Jul;71(1):23-8.
Price JM, Chi X, Hellermann G, Sutton ET. Physiological levels of beta-amyloid induce cerebral vessel dysfunction and reduce endothelial nitric oxide production. Neurol Res. 2001 Jul;23(5):506-12.
Kim H, Kim S, Go H, Kim D. Synergetic analysis of spatio-temporal EEG patterns: Alzheimer's disease. Biol Cybern. 2001 Jul;85(1):1-17.
García-Sierra F, Wischik CM, Harrington CR, Luna-Muñoz J, Mena R. Accumulation of C-terminally truncated tau protein associated with vulnerability of the perforant pathway in early stages of neurofibrillary pathology in Alzheimer's disease. J Chem Neuroanat. 2001 Jul;22(1-2):65-77.
Leroy K, Duyckaerts C, Bovekamp L, Müller O, Anderton BH, Brion JP. Increase of adenomatous polyposis coli immunoreactivity is a marker of reactive astrocytes in Alzheimer's disease and in other pathological conditions. Acta Neuropathol (Berl). 2001 Jul;102(1):1-10.
De Groot CJ, Hulshof S, Hoozemans JJ, Veerhuis R. Establishment of microglial cell cultures derived from postmortem human adult brain tissue: immunophenotypical and functional characterization. Microsc Res Tech. 2001 Jul 1;54(1):34-9.
Isbir T, Agaçhan B, Yilmaz H, Aydin M, Kara I, Eker D, Eker E. Interaction between apolipoprotein-E and angiotensin-converting enzyme genotype in Alzheimer's disease. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2001 Jul-Aug;16(4):205-10. ,
Li YS, Meyer JS, Thornby J. Longitudinal follow-up of depressive symptoms among normal versus cognitively impaired elderly. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2001 Jul;16(7):718-27.
Waite LM, Broe GA, Grayson DA, Creasey H. The incidence of dementia in an Australian community population: the Sydney Older Persons Study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2001 Jul;16(7):680-9.
Fabrizi C, Businaro R, Lauro GM, Fumagalli L. Role of alpha2-macroglobulin in regulating amyloid beta-protein neurotoxicity: protective or detrimental factor? J Neurochem. 2001 Jul;78(2):406-12.
Bodles AM, Guthrie DJ, Greer B, Irvine GB. Identification of the region of non-Abeta component (NAC) of Alzheimer's disease amyloid responsible for its aggregation and toxicity. J Neurochem. 2001 Jul;78(2):384-95.
Albert MS, Moss MB, Tanzi R, Jones K. Preclinical prediction of AD using neuropsychological tests. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2001 Jul;7(5):631-9.
Goethals M, Santens P. Posterior cortical atrophy. Two case reports and a review of the literature. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2001 Jul;103(2):115-9.
Cherrier MM, Mendez M, Perryman K. Route learning performance in Alzheimer disease patients. Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychol Behav Neurol. 2001 Jul-Sep;14(3):159-68.
Cuerva AG, Sabe L, Kuzis G, Tiberti C, Dorrego F, Starkstein SE. Theory of mind and pragmatic abilities in dementia. Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychol Behav Neurol. 2001 Jul-Sep;14(3):153-8.
Rehman HU, Masson EA. Neuroendocrinology of ageing. Age Ageing. 2001 Jul;30(4):279-87.
Braginskaya FI, Zorina M, Pal'mina NP, Gaintseva VD, Burlakova EB, Selezneva ND, Kolykhalov IV, Gavrilova SI. Some blood biochemistry parameters during the cholinergic treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Neurosci Behav Physiol. 2001 Jul-Aug;31(4):457-61.
Calabrese EJ. Amyloid beta-peptide: biphasic dose responses. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2001 Jul;31(4-5):605-6.
Meehan RA, Brush JA. An overview of AIDS dementia complex. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2001 Jul-Aug;16(4):225-9.
Fung TD, Chertkow H, Murtha S, Whatmough C, Péloquin L, Whitehead V, Templeman FD. The spectrum of category effects in object and action knowledge in dementia of the Alzheimer's type. Neuropsychology. 2001 Jul;15(3):371-9.
Kim DK, Seo MY, Lim SW, Kim S, Kim JW, Carroll BJ, Kwon DY, Kwon T, Kang SS. Serum melanotransferrin, p97 as a biochemical marker of Alzheimer's disease. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2001 Jul;25(1):84-90. ,
Doody RS, Dunn JK, Clark CM, Farlow M, Foster NL, Liao T, Gonzales N, Lai E, Massman P. Chronic donepezil treatment is associated with slowed cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2001 Jul-Aug;12(4):295-300.
Smith MZ, Esiri MM, Barnetson L, King E, Nagy Z. Constructional apraxia in Alzheimer's disease: association with occipital lobe pathology and accelerated cognitive decline. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2001 Jul-Aug;12(4):281-8.
Swainson R, Hodges JR, Galton CJ, Semple J, Michael A, Dunn BD, Iddon JL, Robbins TW, Sahakian BJ. Early detection and differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and depression with neuropsychological tasks. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2001 Jul-Aug;12(4):265-80.
Sjögren M, Davidsson P, Gottfries J, Vanderstichele H, Edman A, Vanmechelen E, Wallin A, Blennow K. The cerebrospinal fluid levels of tau, growth-associated protein-43 and soluble amyloid precursor protein correlate in Alzheimer's disease, reflecting a common pathophysiological process. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2001 Jul-Aug;12(4):257-64. ,
Stewart R, Russ C, Richards M, Brayne C, Lovestone S, Mann A. Apolipoprotein E genotype, vascular risk and early cognitive impairment in an African Caribbean population. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2001 Jul-Aug;12(4):251-6.
Davidsson P, Bogdanovic N, Lannfelt L, Blennow K. Reduced expression of amyloid precursor protein, presenilin-1 and rab3a in cortical brain regions in Alzheimer's disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2001 Jul-Aug;12(4):243-50. ,
Tooyama I, Sato H, Yasuhara O, Kimura H, Konishi Y, Shen Y, Walker DG, Beach TG, Sue LI, Rogers J. Correlation of the expression level of C1q mRNA and the number of C1q-positive plaques in the Alzheimer Disease temporal cortex. analysis of C1q mrna and its protein using adjacent or nearby sections. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2001 Jul-Aug;12(4):237-42.
Wiesinger H. Arginine metabolism and the synthesis of nitric oxide in the nervous system. Prog Neurobiol. 2001 Jul;64(4):365-91.
Slawek J, Bojko E, Szady J. [Incidence of dementia in Parkinson disease] Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2001 Jul-Aug;35(4):569-81.
Olson RE, Copeland RA, Seiffert D. Progress towards testing the amyloid hypothesis: inhibitors of APP processing. Curr Opin Drug Discov Devel. 2001 Jul;4(4):390-401.
Van Nostrand WE, Melchor JP. Disruption of pathologic amyloid beta-protein fibril assembly on the surface of cultured human cerebrovascular smooth muscle cells. Amyloid. 2001 Jul;8 Suppl 1:20-7.
Yang DS, Serpell LC, Yip CM, McLaurin J, Chrishti MA, Horne P, Boudreau L, Kisilevsky R, Westaway D, Fraser PE. Assembly of Alzheimer's amyloid-beta fibrils and approaches for therapeutic intervention. Amyloid. 2001 Jul;8 Suppl 1:10-9.
Christie R, Kimchi E, Kajdasz S, Bacskai B, Hyman BT. Multiphoton microscopy and amyloid angiopathy. Amyloid. 2001 Jul;8 Suppl 1:48-50.
Palotás A, Kálmán J, Laskay G, Juhász A, Janka Z, Penke B. Comparative studies on [Ca2+]i-level of fibroblasts from Alzheimer patients and control individuals. Neurochem Res. 2001 Jul;26(7):817-20.
Pettegrew JW, Panchalingam K, Hamilton RL, McClure RJ. Brain membrane phospholipid alterations in Alzheimer's disease. Neurochem Res. 2001 Jul;26(7):771-82.
Bieber EJ, Cohen DP. Estrogens and hormone replacement therapy: is there a role in the preservation of cognitive function? Int J Fertil Womens Med. 2001 Jul-Aug;46(4):206-9.
Nicoll JA, McCarron MO. APOE gene polymorphism as a risk factor for cerebral amyloid angiopathy-related hemorrhage. Amyloid. 2001 Jul;8 Suppl 1:51-5.
Frangione B, Révész T, Vidal R, Holton J, Lashley T, Houlden H, Wood N, Rostagno A, Plant G, Ghiso J. Familial cerebral amyloid angiopathy related to stroke and dementia. Amyloid. 2001 Jul;8 Suppl 1:36-42.
Zablocka A, Janusz M, Rybka K, Wirkus-Romanowska I, Kupryszewski G, Lisowski J. Cytokine-inducing activity of a proline-rich polypeptide complex (PRP) from ovine colostrum and its active nonapeptide fragment analogs. Eur Cytokine Netw. 2001 Jul-Sep;12(3):462-7.
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