Beta Amyloid Peptide: Harrison FE, Allard J, Bixler R, Usoh C, Li L, May JM, McDonald MP. Antioxidants and cognitive training interact to affect oxidative stress...

Harrison FE, Allard J, Bixler R, Usoh C, Li L, May JM, McDonald MP. Antioxidants and cognitive training interact to affect oxidative stress...

Author: Harrison FE, Allard J, Bixler R, Usoh C, Li L, May JM, McDonald MP.

Paper Title:

Antioxidants and cognitive training interact to affect oxidative stress and memory in APP/PSEN1 mice.

Journal: Nutr Neurosci. 2009 Oct;12(5):203-18.

Address: Department of Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232-0475, USA.


The present study investigated the relationships among oxidative stress, beta-amyloid and cognitive abilities in the APP/PSEN1 double-transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. In two experiments, long-term dietary supplements were given to aged APP/PSEN1 mice containing vitamin C alone (1 g/kg diet; Experiment 1) or in combination with a high (750 IU/kg diet, Experiments 1 and 2) or lower (400 IU/kg diet, Experiment 2) dose of vitamin E. Oxidative stress, measured by F(4)-neuroprostanes or malondialdehyde, was elevated in cortex of control-fed APP/PSEN1 mice and reduced to wild-type levels by vitamin supplementation. High-dose vitamin E with C was less effective at reducing oxidative stress than vitamin C alone or the low vitamin E+C diet combination. The high-dose combination also impaired water maze performance in mice of both genotypes. In Experiment 2, the lower vitamin E+C treatment attenuated spatial memory deficits in APP/PSEN1 mice and improved performance in wild-type mice in the water maze. Amyloid deposition was not reduced by antioxidant supplementation in either experiment.

Source: Pubmed

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